The Complete Solution

Stop wasting time and money on isolated systems. Your sign-up gives you all you need to manage your school of any size from anywhere.

Perform all your school's administrative tasks such as admissions, billing, fees payment, accounting, staff management, academic etc from here


Record, validate and prepare all your students' academic records with Rozzyna. Teachers enter their marks, and Rozzyna does the rest


Link up with parents and students. Parents/students can pay fees, view and print receipts, fees statement, bills, terminal reports, class schedule etc online

A Little More About USCHOOL

Frequently Asked Questions

USCHOOL © allows parents/guardians to pay fees directly into the school's bank account via USSD using Mobile Money and receive instant electronic receipt via SMS

No, access to the online payment is part of the package. All schools on USCHOOL in Ghana are automatically set up for the service as part of their subscription.

You can perform all your administrative tasks remotely including access to fees paid. There is a daily summary report which details how much has been collected by each administrator

In addition to the USSD payment, USTUDENTS© allows parents and guardians to pay fees online as well. Parents can also view and print receipts, bills, terminal reports, fees statement and many other reports

USCHOOL enables the school to send bulk SMS messages to all students. This can be done per class, student type or for a specific student. You can also send fees notification to parents which is customized with the name of the student and how much is outstanding.


What Clients Says
About Us

We have always sought to delight our customers with cutting-edge solutions and unparalled support. We give them the solution that works and tailored this to suit their needs

Here is a few of the stories our happy clients are saying about us.

“Knowing how much i have withdrawn from the bank and how much i have spent at a click of a button was a major relief for me. I can prepare student bills, bill students and print bills within 20 minutes, wow! This was something we took days to do. Thank you Felix and your team.”

Rev. Sr. Ann Veronica Omwanda
Headmistress, Presentation of Our Lady Girls' School

“Now i can attend to other businesses and the school can run smoothly even in my absence. I can see and validate all transactions any where and even restrict access when away.”

Hon. Samuel Ato Amoah
Proprietor, New Creation Preparatory and JHS

“This system has made it easier for parents to pay fees no matter where they are. And it has reduced my weekly trips to the bank. This is truely a time saver!”

Mr. Robert Kuuku Larson Mensah
Administrator, St. Mark Catholic School


Get in touch with us and begin your stress-free school management today. You are guaranteed to be satisfied

#4 Numo Sueye Street
Oyibi, Accra, Ghana.

+233 559 497 120